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To request an appointment with our clinical team or for more information on our solutions and services, please complete the form provided or call our office at 786.780.1188. Rezilir is open for all in-person visits, however as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we are offering all current and future patients the option of Telemedicine. Our dedicated Rezilir Health® staff will contact you as soon as possible. We look forward to welcoming you to our Rezilir family where Hope Is Happening.

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Mold and Toxins

In coastal regions, like Florida and Louisiana, exposure to biotoxins is high.

From water-damaged buildings to red tide and green algae, biotoxins have devasting effects on those who are genetically susceptible.  Exposure to mold and toxins can cause persistent fatigue, poor concentration, memory impairment, tremors, and neuropathy. Other symptoms of mold and toxin exposure include muscle pain, headaches, and sinus pressure. 

A chronic pattern of such effects may indeed be due to Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), also known as biotoxin illness, which impacts up to 25% of the population who are genetically susceptible and whose immune systems are unable to process biotoxin exposure.  Sadly, because physicians are often not aware of CIRS, patients are frequently misunderstood or even misdiagnosed by the clinical community.

Shocked Woman Looking At Mold On Wall

At Rezilir Health, however, we demonstrate how this condition is eminently treatable when patient care is facilitated by a clinician skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of CIRS.  Most scientific research on biotoxin illness results from studies done by Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, whose developments in the diagnosis and treatment of this illness have established a process by which physicians are certified in his Shoemaker Protocol.  Rezilir Health’s Co-Founder, Dr. Craig Tanio, is certified in the CIRS protocol by Dr. Shoemaker and is successfully treating patients for this condition.

In the treatment of CIRS, Rezilir follows an evidence-based approach that relies on published research, clinical judgment, and patient values and preferences.   For optimal results, we encourage patients to become an active participant in their own healing by familiarizing themselves with CIRS literature and treatment protocol, establishing mutual accountability and what we here at Rezilir call a “commitment practice.”

Your health is an investment, not an expense

As treatment commences, we measure objective biomarkers of inflammation to better understand its triggers. Rather than just guessing or running a single test, we conduct a more thorough investigation that includes blood work, neurologic imaging, and even direct measures of gene activity or transcriptomics. 

We go beyond surface-level fixes, instead taking a multi-pronged approach to your healing.  Our practice has an indoor environmental specialist on-site, as we believe that getting a true assessment of all variables is what it will take to progress your recovery.

Once we understand the causes of your issues, we will work with you to limit further exposure, get toxins out of your system, reduce inflammation, and strengthen your resilience to further exposure. We understand the damaging effects of these conditions on patients and families.  As such, we are dutifully committed to achieving better outcomes with the appropriate amount of empathy and support.

How Rezilir Health Can Help with Mold Problems

Are you currently suffering from mold sickness? Biotoxins have devastating effects on genetically susceptible people, from water-damaged buildings to red tide and green algae. Exposure to mold and toxins can cause persistent fatigue, poor concentration, memory impairment, tremors, and neuropathy.

Other molds and toxin exposure symptoms include muscle pain, headaches, and sinus pressure. A chronic pattern of such effects may be due to Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), also known as biotoxin illness, which impacts about 25% of the population. Especially for those whose immune systems are unable to process biotoxin exposure.

the offices of rezilir health

Sadly, because physicians are often unaware of CIRS, patients are frequently misunderstood or misdiagnosed by clinicians and doctors. Most scientific research on biotoxin illness results from studies done by Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker. His developments in the diagnosis and treatment of this illness have established a process by which physicians are certified in the Shoemaker Protocol.

At Rezilir Health, our experienced mold doctor can demonstrate how this condition is eminently treatable, primarily when patient care is facilitated by a clinician skilled in diagnosing and treating CIRS. Rezilir Health’s Co-Founder, Dr. Craig Tanio, is certified in the CIRS protocol by Dr. Shoemaker. Our clinic has successfully treated patients for mold and toxic exposure in Florida for many years. Request an appointment today!

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Our team will work right alongside you, offering a custom, evidence-based plan that will minimize the impact of biotoxins in your body. We believe that this conventional, integrative approach is indeed the very future of medicine.  By combining these practices, we can uncover the root of your problem and offer a remedy for total health.

Rezilir Health is the only practice in Florida that has clinicians fully certified in the Shoemaker Protocol for Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).

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