Rezilir Health™ CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) Treatment
Dr. Craig Tanio is the only physician in Florida that is both certified in the Shoemaker Protocol for mold and biotoxin related illness and the ReCODE™ protocol for cognitive decline. We treat biotoxin-related illnesses in 3 types of people.
- Patients who are exposed to water-damaged buildings. As many as 50% of buildings have some degree of water damage. Given recent hurricanes in South Florida, this number has increased substantially. Symptoms can include lung, brain, heart, gastrointestinal and joints among others.
- Patients with cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s. As we treat patients with cognitive decline, we are finding that a high percentage of people have activation of the immune system, also known as type 3 Alzheimer’s.
- Patients with Post Treatment Lyme Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue, and Fibromyalgia. These patients should be evaluated for CIRS to see if they have physiological changes that can be responsive to the CIRS protocol. If their physiology is consistent with CIRS, we believe they can respond to the protocol.
Treat Mold Sickness in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, and South Florida today!
The protocol is a sequenced, multi-step process that has shown to be effective in numerous scientific publications. If patients follow all of the steps, we can expect a response rate as high as 90%. We are happy to discuss our approach further with you.
In South Florida, particularly Miami and Hollywood, CIRS Mold can be a serious issue, causing Mold Sickness and other types of health issues Rezilir can help you with.