ReCODE and the Bredesen Protocol™ / Road Protocol
Rezilir Health™ Revision of Alzheimer’s Disease
Fear of losing brain health is the #1 concern of our aging population and justifiably so as Alzheimer’s is the third leading cause of death in America. The pharmaceutical industry has been searching for the “silver bullet,” a single pill that can cure Alzheimer’s. There have been over 200 drugs that have been tested in isolation the past decade, none of which has resulted in a dramatic improvement of memory or function.
A fundamentally new approach to Alzheimer’s is needed. Luckily, it has arrived.
Ongoing medical research is showing that there is new hope for patients with mild cognitive decline and early Alzheimer’s disease. Changes in lifestyle health behaviors – food, exercise, sleep, stress management, learning and social connection – have been shown in randomized clinical trials to have more impact on disease outcomes than pharmaceuticals (the FINGER study). The prestigious Institute of Medicine endorsed changes in these lifestyle behaviors in a recent review in June 2017.
Addressing the root causes of early cognitive decline can be a robust strategy to optimize overall health and hope for symptomatic patients. All of our clinicians are now certified in the ReCODE ™ Protocol so that we can offer services that will help you remain cognitively sharp, emotionally strong, purposeful, and happy.
Our doctor, located in Hollywood Florida convenient to Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Craig Tanio, MD, was featured in the New York Times #1 best seller, “The End of Alzheimer’s” for his participation and contribution to the ReCODE ™ Protocol for Alzheimer’s and Cognitive Health.
We have also developed our own ROAD (Revision of Alzheimer’s Disease) program that draws from the protocol as well as additional insights from other research. We start with a six-week evaluation process where you receive an in-depth evaluation and have over 100 different prioritized tests of metabolic parameters.
We do a customized assessment for each individual that uncovers the root causes of their memory problems. Testing includes assessments of genetic risk factors, inflammation, insulin resistance, nutrient deficiencies, hormones, toxins, cognitive function and brain imaging including MRI volumetrics.
We then develop a highly-customized game plan that includes lifestyle changes, brain training, nutritional supplements as well as medications when necessary.
Then the work begins.
With ongoing support and help of the physician, nurse coach and broader clinical team, we work to improve your overall health through changes in lifestyle and specific initiatives to optimize your metabolism. Usually our patients first notice that the rate of their cognitive deterioration slows or stops.
Any improvement in cognitive functioning is a very promising initial response. Oftenit may take a good 3-6 months of treatment before noticing symptomatic changes. Our experience over the last year is that eligible patients who follow our program stop deteriorating and feel healthier greater than 90% of the time and start to improve their cognitive functioning more than 60% of the time.
Rezilir Health™ Brain Health & Alzheimer’s Prevention:
One out of four Americans’ is at higher genetic risk of getting Alzheimer’s. If there is a family history of dementia or if you have any early symptoms of forgetfulness, you owe it to get your ApoE4 and other factors checked early – before it becomes more difficult to reverse. We develop a customized protocol that will help you maintain good health and memory built around our more intensive Alzheimer’s protocols.
Ongoing research findings are showing that prevention can be most effective in individuals with early symptoms or no symptoms. Early knowledge can play a significant role going forward in slowing the progression of the disease or preventing it entirely! If there are more significant findings discovered on the prevention program, the full cost of the program is applied to the Alzheimer’s reversal evaluation.
Cognitive Decline and Early Alzheimer’s
The brain is what inextricably makes us human. At Rezilir™ we believe that brain health is at the same stage as physical fitness was 3 decades ago. There is increasing technology to measure health and we have increasing ways to optimize the health of the brain. Our brain health programs help patients address specific metabolic issues and optimize their overall brain performance.
What should you do next? We have 3 suggestions:
- Get screened –we have an easy screening program that looks at genetic risk and your cognitive function
- Learn more about a healthy brain lifestyle — we have multiple approaches including seminars and one-on-one coaching to teach you the key components of brain health.
- Go through the full ROAD program