Request an Appointment

To request an appointment with our clinical team or for more information on our solutions and services, please complete the form provided or call our office at 786.780.1188. Rezilir is open for all in-person visits, however as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we are offering all current and future patients the option of Telemedicine. Our dedicated Rezilir Health® staff will contact you as soon as possible. We look forward to welcoming you to our Rezilir family where Hope Is Happening.

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Rezilir Resources

Rezilir is committed to providing our current and future patients numerous resources through various mediums to keep you informed on many topics surrounding brain health, Alzheimer’s care, functional medicine, autoimmune conditions and toxic conditions.

We all recognize Knowledge is Power.

Through the voices of our authors, special guests, clinicians and more, we hope these podcasts, blogs and ebooks become a constant, “go to” resource for yourself and others. Check back often as new content will be added frequently.  We welcome your suggestions for topics you would like to have covered, so please feel free to email us at

Rezilir way


Welcome to The Rezilir Way Podcast! Hosted by Jacob Gordon, The Rezilir Way is committed to keeping you informed on the latest hot topics through our Podcast series.  Upcoming episodes will include discussions covering brain health, autoimmune diseases, nutrition, the environment’s effect on your health, CIRS, Mold, Toxins and much more.

Listen to our Podcasts Here

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Articles, Blogs and Research

Search our extensive library of informative blogs, studies, protocols, healthy updates and state of the art research on a multitude of topics.

Read all our Available Blog Posts



FREE download of our current ebook “The Rezilir Way for Cognitive Decline” by Dr. Craig Tanio, and future ebooks coming your way.

Sign-Up Today!

Ante todo quiero expresar mi más profundo agradecimiento a todo el equipo de Rezilir Health por el trato tan profesional, gentil y humano en el proceso de diagnostico y protocolo del hermana Ana, en especial al Dr. Tanio, Denise y Jannell, especialmente a ti, nunca había presenciado un examen clínico tan completo y profesional, ciencia e investigación de altura, mis más sinceras felicitaciones.

Mary C.


We will listen to your story.

Call 786.780.1188