Women’s Health Magazine features Rezilir Health for Alzheimers Testing
Women’s Health Magazine released an article featuring Tammy Motola, co-founder of Rezilir Health. The article explains how a 30 year-old man, author Dan Koday, recently got tested for the APOE-4 gene, a test that can indicate the level of potential risk for the disease in individuals. Koday states,
“Sure, everyone’s brains seem to short circuit from time to time, especially when the pressures of a 50-plus hour work week is your reality. But the more it happened, the more I started to get worried. I mentioned the onset of these symptoms to a friend who introduced me to Tammy Motola, co-founder of Rezilir Health, a primary care clinical group in Hollywood, Florida.
I told Tammy how I was worried about the fact that my brain health was a little, well, off, and that I was considering seeing a neurologist or other doctor to find out what was going on. I even mentioned (and I recognize how flippant this could sound, but I truly was concerned) that I might be showing signs of early-onset Alzheimer’s.
Upon hearing all this, she reassured me that I could have a test done that would give me an early clue as to whether or not I was at a greater risk for the disease. While Alzheimer’s doesn’t run in my family (being related to someone who suffers from Alzheimer’s makes you more likely to develop the disease, according to the Alzheimer’s Association), I was instantly intrigued. ”